The project will produce bio methane gas from  biomass generated via locally sourced agricultural by-products.

The biomass is fermented with special enzymes which produce a biogas consisting of 2/3 methane and 1/3 carbon dioxide.                                                         

The bio methane results from the upgrading and cleaning of the biogas generated from the biomass.

Although there is a rise in the use of electricity powered vehicles compared with the more traditional petrol and diesel alternatives, automotive analysts forecast that it will take a considerable length of time before electric or hydrogen vehicles take a significant market share of the estimated 1.4 billion cars in the world.

This means that there will be a long “guaranteed” market for biomass based fuels.

Italy has approximately 1 million vehicles running on compressed natural gas. This is the highest percentage in Europe and this number is expected to increase.
In 2016, Italy exceeded all European countries in terms of the number of passenger vehicles utilizing Compressed Natural Gas and the number of Compressed Natural Gas refueling stations.


NGV Italy. Source GVR quoted in ‘The Compressed Natural Gas Italian Market.’ Natural Gas Vehicle Alternative Fuels Conference in Bologna May 2016.

Most European countries are promoting bio gas to be upgraded and injected into the existing natural gas grid and are providing funds for bio methane production, subsidies in the form of direct support for investment and/or high Feed In Tariffs (FIT) for the bio methane.

The state of Italy is providing a subsidy for all projects that generate methane gas from organic matters such as algae. Under current Italian government guidelines, the Ministerial Decree of 2 March 2018 algae is considered a preferential source to generate bio methane.

A total production of 2.3 billion m3 of bio methane will be subsidized for 15 years for those plants which enter production within 30 June 2026.

The first project is proposed to be set up in the Region of Puglia to generate 24 million cubic meters of bio methane per annum. This bio methane is being generated to supply the Italian transportation sector and industry.

At present there is not a single plant in Italy with a capacity of more than 10 million cubic meters that has been announced to produce bio methane from  agricultural residues  for transportation fuel and industrial use..

In the next 2 years, the company intends to develop a much larger facility at Spain to produce Bio Methane / Bio Ethanol.

Deloitte Italy  have prepared an information memorandum.

Construction is set to start in the 1st quarter of 2025 and Bio methane production in the 1st quarter of 2026.

The total project investment to produce Green Bio Methane is budgeted to be 70 million euro.


This project is divided into 5 phases.

1. Converting the agricultural residues through an anaerobic digestion process  into bio gas.

2. Cleaning the bio gas to obtain bio methane.

3. Liquefaction of CO2.

4. Converting the residual digestate to organic fertilizer pellets.

5. Eventually cultivating an in-house a renewable energy crop.

The conditioned agricultural residue biomass will then enter the anaerobic digestion section where it will be fermented for 4-6 weeks and subsequently attacked by suitably chosen enzymes which will convert the contained lipids and proteins into methane and CO2.

This resulting bio-gas has a composition of about 50%-60% methane (CH4) and 40%-50% Carbon dioxide (CO2) with lesser quantities of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and nitrogen compounds. This bio gas will then be fed through a series of gas scrubbing systems which will remove in separate steps the H2S, N compounds and the CO2 leaving a purified bio-methane of 99%+ CH4.

The digestate resulting from the anaerobic digestion  will be seasoned and converted to organic fertilizer pellets

During the cleaning process, the CO2 will be collected and treated. It is then liquefied and sold for industrial use.


Key Milestones:

The Eventual Objective.

There is a large  requirement in the EU for decarbonized fuel. Such projects are being assisted  by various financing mechanisms.  

Algae & Algae has a technically advanced production model for bio methane from  locally sourced agricultural by-products.

This can be achieved at comparatively low capital investment and low operating cost thereby ensuring robust cash flow generation and high return on equity.

The demand for decarbonized fuel transport fuel continues to rise in the EU.  The Company is at the forefront of  Bio Methane  as a means of providing a sustainable green fuel.

The plan is to setup additional  facilities in the EU with the eventual objective of having a substantial capacity to produce Bio Methane.


In Summary


  1. Under the existing legislation the Italian State is obliged to provide a price support mechanism  for the first 15 years of production.
  2. The Italian State is obliged to give financial incentive during the period of 15 years on every cubic meter of bio methane produced in the form of a price support mechanism. This price support mechanism is valued at around 115  cents per cubic meter.
  3. The main feed stock for the first 5 years of operation is locally available and has been secured via a 5 year contract and is renewable for another 5.
  4. The company shall  cultivate its own energy crop in-house at competitive costs, thereby removing insecurity of raw material supply, which is a key risk facing most industrial projects.

          Parameters 1 - 4  above assure financial viability of this project. 

  1. The project meets principle goals set by the European Union towards green energy and mitigation of climate change.


This Project Provides the Following Benefits to The Community:

(A).        Promotes green energy and produces non fossil fuel-based gas that is welcomed by the general population in Europe. 

(B).        It  contributes to the reduction of global warming.

(C).        The bio methane is to be used as transportation fuel in cars and industry in general and when liquefied is used as LNG in trucks and heavy vehicles that vastly reduces emissions emanating from vehicular traffic.

(D).        Subsequently a portion of the organic material being cultivated, can be used in the pharmaceutical industry thereby having a positive social effect on society.

(E).        The bio mass residue left over can be used as bio fertilizer.

(F).         Provides employment in areas where it is most needed.

(G).        Reduces the need to use bio mass of agricultural crops for conversion to energy.

(H).        The operations of this project will bring about a reduction per annum of 50,000 MT  of CO2 / CO2 equivalent 

Below is a 3D visual presentation of the project.





Plant Video Walkthrough



Should you have any questions ,wish to discuss any type of collaboration with us please contact us at the below address:


IVA: 11390170964

N. REA MI-2598992

Address: Via C.Colombo–Res.Ponte 142, 20080 Basiglio, Italia
